Changing your shift schedule

Change Shift

Managers may change the work shift of their team to ensure that operations is attended accordingly.This also includes change in rest day and filing of official business whenever employees are sent outside the company premises to attend to work.

There are 3 ways to file for change shift:

1 Time Recorder where you can easily view change shift

2 Request page

3 The fastest way is through the Express Button

Change Shift (Schedule)

1 Click File Request and choose Change Shift.

2 Select the Work Date.

3 Click Change Shift.

4 Select Schedule.

5 Select Schedule Type.

6 Indicate if its temporary schedule or permanent by clicking temporary check box.

7 Provide a reason for the request or feel free to attach a supporting document.

8 Click Submit.

Change Shift (Rest Day)

1 Click File Request and choose Change Shift.

2 Select the Work Date.

3 Click Change Shift.

4 Select Rest Day.

6 Indicate if its temporary rest day or permanent by clicking temporary check box.

7 Provide a reason for the request or feel free to attach a supporting document.

8 Click Submit.