Home Page
Welcome to Empowerteams Home page! This home page is your way to navigate the portal.
Empower Logo
If you are in a hurry and want to instantly go back to the homepage, just click on the empowerteams logo and this will redirect you to your homepage.
Role Based Toggle
A role-based toggle allows you to view the authorized access provided to you. This can either be accesses for the Employee, Manager, HR and Admin.
The bell is your way to know any transactions that you need to know. This calls your attention with a red dot that there's a new notification for you.
Get connected with the company through announcements about the company, employee acitivities, trainings, holidays and others. You get notified on these announcements on the megaphone icon.
Knowledge Center
Having concerns on how to use the portal? The Knowledge Center gives you an access to tutorials as well as opening a ticket that will go directly to our Support Team.
Account Profile
When you click the Profile button which has your picture or your initials, this gives you access to: Your account profile, Preferred white or grayed out theme and the log out button
Time Recorder
The Time Recorder is only available if you have the EMPLOYEE VIEW. This is where the clock in and out is done.
Support Team
If you are working on a specific site location, your available Support Team who can assist you is listed here with their contact details. Active Support team means that they are available at that time to assist.
Announcement Widget
In the home page, you can have a quick view of what's happening in the company. The announcement widget shows the 5 snippets of announcements.
Events Widget
Events shows a running week of holidays, birthday and work anniversaries of team mates.
About Us Widget
You want to learn more about the company? Read through About us and Our Services.
Applications Widget
Applications are the available functions and features of empowerteams. On the left, you will see the categories for available Applications.
The General Applications include the basic functionalities for empowerteams and the others are categorized based on the specific services that you may need.
Top Applications includes applciations that you often access in the system.
If you are unfamiliar of a certain function in the system, you can easily access on the "i" logo. This provides you more information. So when in doubt, try accessing the "i" logo.