Amendment Statistics
Failure to come ON TIME six (6) times or accumulation of at least 60 minutes of TARDINESS (whichever comes first) within the 11th of the current month to the 10th of the following month, shall constitute an offense of TARDINESS.
Employees are expected to time in upon arriving at their respective office. However, due to unforeseen circumstances preventing the employee to timely clock in within the Company’s online system, employees are allowed to amend their Clock In time, subject to the approval of their respective Department Head / Immediate Superior. Amendments to Clock In within the Company’s online system can be done on or before the payroll cutoff.
Authorized Undertime
Due to emergency or exigent personal reasons, an employee is allowed to leave work before the shift ends, but with the prior approval of the Department Head. However, the Undertime shall still be deducted from the employee's payroll.
Considering the need to leave the office in a rush, the employee is expected to file a request for Authorized Undertime within the Company’s online system within twenty-four (24) hours upon return to work in the succeeding Work Shift. Failure to file the request within the prescribed period will not provide the necessary evidentiary proof of approval and the Company’s online system shall tag the employee as Absent - 1st Half and/or Undertime for the 2nd Half, which may lead to "AWOL"
Failure to Clock In or Clock Out
When the employee reports to work but fails to Clock In or Clock Out, the Company’s online system shall tag the employee as "Absent" and can lead to disciplinary action.
Employee is expected to amend her/his DTR to reflect the actual Clock In / Out time for the day within twenty-four (24) hours upon return to work in the succeeding Work Shift. Failure to file the amendment within the prescribed period will not provide the necessary evidentiary proof of approval and the Company’s online system shall constitute as "AWOL"