Overtime Statistics
Overtime is work rendered beyond the Work Shift (i.e. after the intended end of the shift). Employees assigned with Time-bounded Shifts and Semi-Flexible Shifts are eligible for rendering and earning premium pay from overtime.
Minimum time computed as Overtime shall be at least 30 minutes. Any request with less than 30 minutes of rendered excess time after the Work Shift shall not be considered Overtime.
Work rendered in Overtime, in principle, must be pre-approved by the Department Head / Immediate Superior. In the event of the unavailability of the Department Head to pre-approve Overtime within the Company’s online system, but with the approval given in principle, the employee is required to seek post-approval.
The employee is expected to file for Overtime within twenty-four (24) hours upon return to work in the succeeding Assigned Work Shift.
Time Off In Lieu (TOIL)
Managers and above (including Supervisors, if allowed) are not entitled to holiday pay premiums. Working on Philippine Public Holidays, including Rest Days, will entitle them to Time Off In Lieu (TOIL), as an additional day off work. Rendering a minimum of four (4) hours of work on a holiday or rest day will qualify as a full work day rendered.
TOIL shall be credited to the TOIL balance at the start of the next Work Shift.
Probationary Managers (and/or Supervisors, if allowed) are allowed to accrue and use TOIL within the probationary period.
TOIL is not convertible to cash and non-transferrable to another employee of similar or higher rank.
TOIL cannot be used in advanced to file for a leave with the foresight, expectation or intention to report to work on an upcoming Philippine Holiday or Rest Day. Only TOIL that has been credited can be used.
Unused TOIL will be forfeited after March 31 of the following year.