Certifying Daily Time Records (DTR)
All Employees are expected to certify all DTRs covering a pay period as true, correct, accurate and final that will serve as basis to compute their pay.
Failure to certify DTRs shall result to an Auto-Certification at the end of the pay cutoff. Uncertified DTRs will be deemed true, correct, accurate and final, except for Absences incurred on the day of the cutoff itself, either on the 10th or 26th of the month.
For these absences, either of the following will apply:
1. The employee is given until the 12th or the 27th to amend the DTR and seek approval;
2. The Timekeeping & Benefits department will verify the details of the absence incurred and amend the DTR appropriately.
The Company has two (2) pay cutoff periods:
1. Payroll for the 15th -- 26th of the previous month to the 10th of the current month
2. Payroll for the 30th -- 11th to the 25th of the current month.