Our Policies

Time Recorder

Unless otherwise indicated, required or directed by the Company, employees shall report to work according to their respective Assigned Work Shift schedule that is applicable to their respective job level.

Clock In

When an employee clocks into work, the Company’s online system shall provide the applicable status:

  • On Time - Clock In before the start of shift and/ or before the grace period (if any) ends

  • Tardy - Clock In within the first four (4) hours after the shift has started

  • Absent (1st half and tardy) - Clock In beyond the first four (4) hours after the shift has started will be tagged as Tardy. The first four (4) hours after the shift has started will be tagged as Absent - 1st Half.


Employee reporting to work after the official start of the assigned work shift and, if any, after the grace period. Applicable only to Time-bounded Work Shifts.

Tardiness computed in payroll is equivalent to length of time computed as the difference between the clock in time and the grace period. If no Grace Period allowed, it will be the difference between the clock in time and the start of the shift.

Start Time - 6:00 AM
Grace Period - 6:10 AM (10 minutes from the start of the shift)
Clock In - 6:15 AM

Tardiness = 5 minutes (time in excess of the end of the Grace Period)

Computed Tardiness will be the basis of payroll deductions.

Clock Out

When an employee clocks out of work, the Company’s online system shall provide the applicable status:

  • SHIFT ENDED - Clock out on or beyond the end of shift will be tagged as Shift Ended

  • UNDERTIME - Clock out before the expected end of shift will tag the talent as Undertime

  • ABSENT (2ND HALF and Undertime) - Clock out within the first four (4) hours after the shift has started will be tagged as Undertime. The last four (4) hours before the shift ends will be tagged as Absent - 2nd Half.


An employee leaving work earlier than the required end of a Work Shift.

Undertime computed in payroll is equivalent to length of time computed as the difference between the end of shift and the clock out time.

End Time - 3:00 PM
Clock In - 2:55 PM

Undertime = 5 minutes (time out short of the end of the Grace Period)

Computed Undertime will be the basis of payroll deductions.

Authorized Undertime

Due to emergency or exigent personal reasons, an employee is allowed to leave work before the shift ends, but with the prior approval of the Department Head. However, the Undertime shall still be deducted from the employee's payroll.

Considering the need to leave the office in a rush, the employee is expected to file a request for Authorized Undertime within the Company’s online system within twenty-four (24) hours upon return to work in the succeeding Work Shift. Failure to file the request within the prescribed period will not provide the necessary evidentiary proof of approval and the Company’s online system shall tag the employee as Absent - 1st Half and/or Undertime for the 2nd Half, which may lead to "AWOL"

Required to Work on Holiday or Rest Day

Employees may be required to render work on non-working days (e.g. Rest Day, Regular Holiday, Special Holiday) to meet operational exigency or demand. Work rendered is subject to Premium Pay depending on the type of non-working day.

Tardy and undertime rules are not applicable.

Required to Work on day/s with Approved SIL

Employees may be required by their respective Department Head / Immediate Superior to render work on day/s for which a SIL has previously been requested and approved. This may mean that the Department Head / Immediate Superior is rescinding the approval previously given to the SIL for that day/s. In the Company’s online system, this will be executed by the Department Head / Immediate Superior rejecting the SIL for the day/s in question, re-crediting the approved SIL back to the SIL balance of the employee.

Clocking in on any day with an Approved SIL will auto-cancel the approved SIL to re-credit it back to the employee SIL Balance.

Because the day of any SIL is a normal work day, an employee’s time record is subject to the rules of the Work Shift, meaning, rules on Tardiness, Undertime and Overtime shall apply depending on the Work Shift type.

Certifying Daily Time Records (DTR)

All Employees are expected to certify all DTRs covering a pay period as true, correct, accurate and final that will serve as basis to compute their pay.

Failure to certify DTRs shall result to an Auto-Certification at the end of the pay cutoff. Uncertified DTRs will be deemed true, correct, accurate and final, except for Absences incurred on the day of the cutoff itself, either on the 10th or 26th of the month. For these absences, either of the following will apply:
1. The employee is given until the 12th or the 27th to amend the DTR and seek approval;
2. The Timekeeping & Benefits department will verify the details of the absence incurred and amend the DTR appropriately.

The Company has two (2) pay cutoff periods:
1. Payroll for the 15th -- 26th of the previous month to the 10th of the current month
2. Payroll for the 30th -- 11th to the 25th of the current month.


Overtime is work rendered beyond the Work Shift (i.e. after the intended end of the shift). Employees assigned with Time-bounded Shifts and Semi-Flexible Shifts are eligible for rendering and earning premium pay from overtime.

Time Off In Lieu (TOIL)

Managers and above (including Supervisors, if allowed) are not entitled to holiday pay premiums. Working on Philippine Public Holidays, including Rest Days, will entitle them to Time Off In Lieu (TOIL), as an additional day off work. Rendering a minimum of four (4) hours of work on a holiday or rest day will qualify as a full work day rendered.

TOIL shall be credited to the TOIL balance at the start of the next Work Shift.

Probationary Managers (and/or Supervisors, if allowed) are allowed to accrue and use TOIL within the probationary period.

TOIL is not convertible to cash and non-transferrable to another employee of similar or higher rank.

TOIL cannot be used in advanced to file for a leave with the foresight, expectation or intention to report to work on an upcoming Philippine Holiday or Rest Day. Only TOIL that has been credited can be used.

Unused TOIL will be forfeited after March 31 of the following year.