Required to Word on day/s with Approved SIL
Required to Work on day/s with Approved SIL
Employees may be required by their respective Department Head / Immediate Superior to render work on day/s for which a SIL has previously been requested and approved. This may mean that the Department Head / Immediate Superior is rescinding the approval previously given to the SIL for that day/s. In the Company’s online system, this will be executed by the Department Head / Immediate Superior rejecting the SIL for the day/s in question, re-crediting the approved SIL back to the SIL balance of the employee.
Clocking in on any day with an Approved SIL will auto-cancel the approved SIL to re-credit it back to the employee SIL Balance.
Because the day of any SIL is a normal work day, an employee’s time record is subject to the rules of the Work Shift, meaning, rules on Tardiness, Undertime and Overtime shall apply depending on the Work Shift type.