Our Policies

Leave Request

Vacation Leave

Vacation Leave must filed and approved in advance within the Company’s online system. The Department Head / Immediate Superior shall be the final approving authority and has the prerogative to defer the leave depending on the workload of the department / team.

The employee shall file their request prior to the effectivity date of the leave (i.e. when the employee will be absent) according to the appropriate directive below:
1. Leaves of five (5) days and below -- request must be done one (1) week in advance
2. Leaves of six (6) days and above -- request must be done 1 month in advance

Sick Leave

Sick Leave must be filed upon return to work with the appropriate medical documentation. All Sick Leaves must have an appropriate Call in Absent (due to Sickness).

Sick Leaves shall have the following documentary requirements:
1. one (1) day - no required Medical Certificate
2. two (2) days - Medical Certificate required
3. three (3) days and above - Medical Certificate and Fit to Work required
The employee is expected to file a Sick Leave within the Company’s online system within twenty-four (24) hours upon return to work in the succeeding Work Shift. Failure to file the request within the prescribed period will not provide the necessary evidentiary proof of approval and the Company’s online system shall tag the employee as AWOL.

Emergency Leaves

Emergency Leave is used for unplanned absences due to the following conditions:
1. Calamities or Natural disaster (e.g. Typhoon, Floods, Earthquake, etc.)
2. Death in the immediate family
3. Sickness or that of an immediate family member
4. Transport Strike

Emergency Leave approval shall require the following documents:
1. Calamities or Natural disaster - Barangay Clearance
2. Death in the immediate family - Death Certificate
3. Medical Certificate

All Emergency Leaves must have an appropriate Call in Absent (due to Emergency).

The employee is expected to file a Sick or Emergency Leave within the Company’s online system within twenty-four (24) hours upon return to work in the succeeding Work Shift. Failure to file the request within the prescribed period will not provide the necessary evidentiary proof of approval and the Company’s online system shall tag the employee as AWOL.

Time Off In Lieu (TOIL)

Managers and above (including Supervisors, if allowed) are not entitled to holiday pay premiums. Working on Philippine Public Holidays, including Rest Days, will entitle them to Time Off In Lieu (TOIL), as an additional day off work. Rendering a minimum of four (4) hours of work on a holiday or rest day will qualify as a full work day rendered.

TOIL shall be credited to the TOIL balance at the start of the next Work Shift.

Probationary Managers (and/or Supervisors, if allowed) are allowed to accrue and use TOIL within the probationary period.

TOIL is not convertible to cash and non-transferrable to another employee of similar or higher rank.

TOIL cannot be used in advanced to file for a leave with the foresight, expectation or intention to report to work on an upcoming Philippine Holiday or Rest Day. Only TOIL that has been credited can be used.

Unused TOIL will be forfeited after March 31 of the following year.